Writing for money

I’m on disability, It’s not as fun as you might think though. I fill my time writing stories and reading books, when I’m not on Social Media. I’m considering applying for an online writing job, But I’m concerned about content and deadlines. But maybe, a little pressure would be a good thing. It would definitely make me more disciplined, and it would help make me more creative as well. I get tired of never having change in my pocket, and I need more to occupy my mind. I think I will give it a shot.

Beta Readers

I have been writing short stories for several years, until yesterday I never had the guts to share one of my stories. The person read it and gave me some nice compliments, and she also gave me some real good advice on making the next draft better. It really boosted my confidence to hear such kind words. I’m looking forward to writing the next draft. Writing stories is so exciting, I can’t imagine doing anything else.

A dry spell.

After several weeks of cranking out short stories, I have hit a wall. writer’s block has set in. So what I did was, I went to Staples and printed out some stories that I wrote for the writing class I took. I am re-writing them and adding to them to make them longer. The next step will be to submit them to beta readers.

The thought of letting someone, especially someone that knows what they’re doing critique my work makes me nauseous. It has to be done though. Writing stories is so much fun, but it makes me crazy. I take comfort in knowing that I’m a lot better now than when I posted stories on the Terrible minds blog, and I will keep improving and getting better.